Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last day (kinda)

Today is the last day for the pro-hormone part of which means I start PCT tomorrow. Has the stack done anything for me so far? Sure has... has it done as much as I would have liked? Not exactly. It had a positive influence on the amount of weight I can lift and it also allowed me to run not only faster but longer as well. But I have fallen a few pounds shy of what I wanted to gain. Sure I may have gained faster than what the average is for someone working out unassisted but what I did gain seems rather meager for a ph cycle. Some users have reported that their gains continue through the PCT so it will be interesting to see if mine do... granted I am not expecting too much more weight gain since that seems to have slowed a bit.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

lol oops

For some reason I still have quite a bit more of my protein powder left. That can mean one of two things... either I have missed more days of it than I thought ( I tend to eat food on the week ends)or the small scoop I have been using does not give an accurate measurement... I am used to using this so I know what a normal amount looks like and I though I was using a normal amount, or least something close to it.
So in short now I am not so sure about how many calories I was getting on average.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I probably don't update this as much as I should

Yeah I know it has been a while since my last update but not that much has happened. I am still gaining on both strength and weight but the amounts of both have started to slow down a bit. I weighed in earlier this week at 170lbs which means a gain of roughly five pounds so far, maybe a little more if I consider the amount of fat that I lost. In terms of visual changes my chest is starting to fill in rather nicely, which is great considering how terrible my bench numbers are. Overall I am rather pleased with the results so far but would like to get another 4-5lbs out of this. Hopefully I can manage that with the time I have left. I am coming to the end of the pro-hormone phase of things but since I have averaged about two pounds a week I should be able to reach my goal if my gains continue the way they have so far.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Well I feel different and now I am starting to look different

It took roughly a week before I started noticing changes to my overall mood. I don't know how to describe it exactly but everything just seemed a better. Things that would normally annoy me were shrugged right off. I find this odd since most people report increased aggression on these compounds. But since I have two weeks to go (not counting the PCT) maybe the aggression will come later. Only time will tell about that.
In terms of my body changing my muscles are starting to look much fuller. I was a bit taken back when I noticed my shoulders in one of the gym mirrors yesterday. I finally have a bit of width to me. Granted I was not "small" before but this is just about the first time since working out that I have looked at myself and been wowed.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things are looking up (weight that is)

I saw a slight increase in my weight on Monday when I weighed myself at the gym. Not sure if I can attribute it to my change in diet or the M-1D and Masterdrol. Considering how crap my diet was in the days preceding I expected to see a slight loss mainly do to water loss. I'll be sure to get on the scale again today and see what's what. If I am seeing a gain in weight this early then I may end up hitting that upper average of 20lbs of weight gained.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A week or so

It has been a week and a day since I started the stack. And yes while I am still a few days from when this is supposed to really kick in I now believe that my increased quality of sleep is from the stack... why exactly I really don't know.
Today at the gym I will being doing week two of my HST routine and if everything goes as I am expecting it to I should sail through the difficult bit as a result the stack kicking in. While I am there I might as well weigh myself to see if there is any change from last week although I doubt any significant change.
My change in diet is going OK but could be better, drinking that many calories in a day gets a bit bothersome occasionally but as long as I don't chug the shakes down I manage.

Friday, April 2, 2010

err oops

I just realized that I still have not taken any before pics. I have some pics from a few weeks before I started the stack so those will have to do if I don't get around to taking any pics this weekend.
My appetite seems to be slowly increasing so I am taking that as a sign that things are going as they should. Increased metabolism as a result of an increase in LBM and all that, still more than a week away from the usual time period that users experience noticeable weight gain.